Sunday, January 4, 2009

if it's sunday, it's captcha game day

Today's word is...


Hmmm. How about...

- noun: a slang term used by software developers to refer to an outdated application

Bonus: Jenga! Here is a shot of the tower created during a game between Leah and Lee. It lasted for several more moves, finally falling on one of Lee's turns. A most spellbinding game!


Julia said...

Jenga is a great game!

ruscapp = an old hubcap that stays on only through the liberal application of rust ;-)

Bebe said...

Here's a related page.

countrypeapie said...

Oh, cool! That's so funny, because I was thinking of doing a Jabberwocky sort of thing once I had enough of them, or perhaps a haiku using both real and captcha words. Good find -- thanks for sharing!

countrypeapie said...

Hey Julia -- this morning I was thinking that we definitely see some of your definition of ruscapps around here, and while I was thinking this, it occured to me that it also sounds a lot like a football team. Go 'capps!