Saturday, June 27, 2009

green things

I wouldn't necessarily say we're winning the battle against the squash bugs, but we are managing to pick a few squash here and there ~

The tomatoes are growing like mad, and we are growing impatient as we wait for them to ripen ~


Rurality said...

We're having a little squash bug problem too. I drowned some this morning though. :)

countrypeapie said...

That's exactly what we're doing with them! The plants are holding up surprisingly well, but it's a constant battle.

Heather Klusendorf Stewart said...

Fantastic photo green squash photo--it conjures so much.

countrypeapie said...

Thanks Heather!

AuntJill said...

Ever waged war with little chipmunk thingees that dig perfectly concentric holes? You've got to admire their ability to form a perfect circle, but dadgum them for ruining my Foxglove!

countrypeapie said...

Hi Jill ~ It's good to hear from you! So sorry about your foxglove -- I know how much it meant to you! We have things that dig holes in our yard, too. We're always twisting our ankles whenever the grass gets too high.